Now showing items 692-791 of 374

    Hγεσία (1)
    Hλεκτρονικές εφαρμογές (1)
    Hλεκτρονική υγεία (1)
    Ideological Consistency Scale (1)
    Illustrator (1)
    Immigrants' access (1)
    Inclusive education (1)
    Indoor Air Quality (1)
    Infertility (1)
    Inorganic nanomaterials (1)
    Inspectors (1)
    intensive care infections (1)
    Intercultural Education (1)
    Internet addiction (1)
    Internet of things (1)
    Internet use (1)
    Interpersonal communication (1)
    Intervention programs (1)
    IoT (1)
    ISO 16266:2009 (1)
    ISO 9001:2015 (1)
    Job Satisfaction (1)
    Junk Food (1)
    Kindergartens (1)
    Kάπνισμα (1)
    Kαμπύλες αναφοράς (1)
    Kαρδιαγγειακά νοσήματα (1)
    Kαρδιαγγειακή υγεία (1)
    Kαταναλωτική συμπεριφορά (1)
    Kυανοβακτήρια (1)
    Kυανοτοξίνες (1)
    Kωφοί (1)
    Kώφωση (1)
    Labor market (1)
    Labour precariousness (1)
    Law and legislation (1)
    Leadership Success (1)
    Lean barriers (1)
    Lean healthcare (1)
    Lean implementation (1)
    Lean leadership (1)
    Lean tools (1)
    Leishmaniasis (1)
    Levels of prevention (1)
    Lifelong learning (1)
    liquid waste (1)
    Liquid waste management (1)
    Local governments (1)
    lockdown (1)
    Long covid (1)
    m-health (1)
    Mainstream schools (1)
    Malmquist Index (1)
    Mandatory Vaccination (1)
    Marketing plan (1)
    Materials (1)
    mcr genes (1)
    Measurement tools (1)
    Mechanical failures (1)
    MedDiet Score (1)
    MedDietScore (1)
    Media (1)
    Medical error (1)
    Medical informatics (1)
    Medical profession (1)
    Medical Tourism (1)
    Medicine (1)
    Mediterranean countries (1)
    Mental disorders (1)
    mental health (1)
    Mental health promotion (1)
    Mental Resilience (1)
    MERS (1)
    Metabolomics (1)
    Methodology (1)
    MGQOL15-R (1)
    mHealth (1)
    Microbial load (1)
    MicroRNAs (1)
    Migrants (1)
    Mini nutritional assessment (1)
    Minimal Inhibition Concentration (MIC), (1)
    Modern Hospital Management (1)
    Modern Information Systems (1)
    Mosquito control (1)
    MS Teams (1)
    Municipality of Piraeus (1)
    Muscoloskeletal disorders (1)
    Muscoloskeletal pain (1)
    Muscoloskeletal symptoms (1)
    Musculoskeletal diseases (1)
    Musculoskeletal disorders (1)
    Musculoskeletal problems (1)
    Myasthenia Gravis (1)
    Mέτρα προστασίας (1)
    Mαιευτική βία (1)
    Mεγάλα δεδομένα (1)
    Mεσογειακή δίαιτα (1)
    Mεταδοτικά νοσήματα (1)
    Mετανάστριες (1)