Predictive business process monitoring with Markov models and reinforcement learning
Προβλεπτική παρακολούθηση επιχειρησιακών διεργασιών με Μαρκοβιανά μοντέλα και ενισχυτική μάθηση
Διπλωματική εργασία
Κώτσιας, Σιλβέστερ
Κερασιώτης, Αθανάσιος
Μιαούλης, ΓεώργιοςBousdekis, Alexandros
Predictive business monitoring ; Process mining ; Stochastic models ; Markov models ; Markov chain ; Markov decision process ; Reinforcement learning ; Προβλεπτική παρακολούθηση επιχειρήσεων ; Εξόρυξη διεργασιών ; Στοχαστικά μοντέλα ; Μαρκοβιανά μοντέλα ; Μαρκοβιανή αλυσίδα ; Μαρκοβιανή διαδικασία απόφασης ; Ενισχυτική μάθησηΠερίληψη
Informed decision making is at the forefront of many disciplines. Despite the domain we can always
make preferable and educated decisions. This can lead to more insight, formulation of new and improved
policies, always based on quality data. Specifically in the business domain, an organization can have more
consistent results, transparency throughout the whole business process, improved performance and
increased revenue.
With the usage of process mining techniques, behaviors of processes can be analyzed and improved. Also
modeling uncertainty through the usage of stochastic models can be an additional factor in the attempt to
either or both improve and understand existing process and behaviors. The trend of automatic core functions
in complex system such as an organization is even more relevant with the rapid advancement of artificial
intelligence and more specifically machine leaning. A common stochastic model is Markov decision
process (MDP) and MDPs are used to model reinforcement learning environments. With the goal of
combining process mining, stochastic models particularly MDPs and reinforcement learning we aim to
answer the question.
In this thesis we strive to answer the question: Can predictive process monitoring be automated and if so at
what level. Using a Business Process Intelligence challenge dataset and more specifically the 2017 Offer
event log dataset. We attempt to further research the usage and application of these tools in the monitoring
of business processes.